Frequently Asked Questions

Kids Night Lights and LEDs

What are RGB LEDs?

RGB LEDs are compact light-emitting diodes that integrate red, green and blue (RGB) LEDs often with a built-in driver chip. Our night lights use WS2812 LEDs that are 2mm or 1mm square.

Are RGB LEDs energy efficient?

RGB LEDs can be highly energy efficient. The LEDs we use (WS2812 2020/1010) have a low maximum power consumption and are able to be dimmed – which decreases power consumption even further.

Are night lights suitable for all ages?

Yes, night lights can be beneficial for individuals of all ages. They are commonly used in children’s rooms to alleviate fear of the dark and promote better sleep. However, adults can also benefit from the gentle illumination provided by night lights, especially in unfamiliar environments or when getting up during the night.

What is a projector night light?

A projector night light is a type of night light that utilizes projector technology to create soothing and visually appealing lighting effects in a darkened room. Unlike traditional night lights that emit a steady glow, projector night lights project dynamic patterns, images, or scenes onto the walls or ceiling, creating a calming and immersive ambiance.

These projector night lights often feature adjustable settings, allowing users to customize the lighting effects to suit their preferences. Our projector night lights feature an interchangeable lens or display component, providing an endless array of projection and display choices.

Projector night lights are popular choices for bedrooms, nurseries, and other relaxation spaces, as they can help create a tranquil environment conducive to sleep and relaxation. Some projector night lights also come equipped with additional features such as timers and color-changing capabilities, further enhancing their versatility and appeal.

Night Light Display Pieces

What is a projector lens?

A projector lens is an optical component used to focus and project onto a surface. It plays a crucial role in determining how the light is focused or shaped. Our lenses and display pieces are designed to create captivating visual effects in their environment.

What is resin art?

Resin art is a form of artwork that involves using epoxy resin as the primary medium to create an intricate and visually captivating item. In resin art, resin is typically mixed with various pigments, dyes, or other additives to achieve desired colors, textures, and effects. Artists then pour or apply the resin mixture onto a surface, such as a canvas, wood panel, or other substrates, and manipulate it to create unique patterns, designs, and compositions.

Resin art offers artists a wide range of creative possibilities, including abstract paintings, landscapes, ocean scenes, and three-dimensional sculptures. The fluid nature of resin allows for fluidity, depth, and translucency, resulting in mesmerizing visual effects that capture the viewer’s attention.

Additionally, resin art often involves various techniques such as layering, swirling, dripping, and embedding objects to create depth, texture, and dimensionality. Artists may also use tools like heat guns, blowtorches, or brushes to manipulate the resin and achieve desired effects.

Overall, resin art is a versatile and dynamic medium that allows artists to explore color, texture, and form in innovative and experimental ways, resulting in stunning and one-of-a-kind creations.

Passwords and Passkeys

What is a passkey?

A passkey, also known as a FIDO passkey or FIDO2 U2F security key, is a physical device used for authentication and security purposes, particularly in the context of online accounts and services. FIDO stands for Fast Identity Online, and it is an open standard developed by the FIDO Alliance, an industry consortium focused on improving online authentication security.

A passkey typically takes the form of a USB key, Bluetooth-enabled key, or NFC (Near Field Communication) token. It contains embedded security features, such as cryptographic algorithms and secure storage, to securely store authentication credentials and perform cryptographic operations.

The primary purpose of a passkey is to provide an additional layer of security beyond traditional passwords or authentication methods. Instead of relying solely on something the user knows (like a password), passkeys leverage something the user has (the physical key) to authenticate their identity.

When logging into a supported service or website, the user inserts or activates their passkey, which then communicates securely with the server to authenticate the user’s identity. This process helps prevent common security threats like phishing attacks, password theft, and man-in-the-middle attacks.

Passkeys are designed to be user-friendly, highly secure, and interoperable across various platforms and services. They offer a convenient and effective way to enhance online security and protect against unauthorized access to sensitive accounts and information. Many popular online services, including Google, Facebook, and Microsoft, support passkeys as an authentication option.

What is a password vault?

A password vault, also known as a password manager, is a service designed to securely store and manage passwords and other sensitive login information for various online accounts and services.

Password vaults help users create strong, unique passwords for each of their accounts and store them in securely. Users only need to remember one master password (or PIN) to access their password vault, simplifying the process of managing multiple login credentials.

The main features of a password vault typically include:

  1. Password Generation: Password vaults often include tools for generating strong, complex passwords that are difficult to guess or crack.
  2. Secure Storage: Passwords stored in the vault are encrypted using advanced encryption algorithms, ensuring that they are protected from unauthorized access.
  3. Auto-Fill and Auto-Login: Many password vaults offer a means to automatically fill in login credentials on websites and applications, streamlining the login process.
  4. Synchronization: Password vaults often support synchronization across multiple devices, allowing users to access their passwords from smartphones, tablets, and computers.
  5. Two-Factor Authentication: Advanced password vaults may support two-factor authentication (2FA) or multi-factor authentication (MFA) for an additional layer of security when accessing the vault itself.
  6. Security Audits: Some password vaults include features that analyze the strength of stored passwords and identify weak or duplicate passwords that should be updated for improved security.

By using a password vault, users can improve their online security by ensuring that they use strong, unique passwords for each of their accounts without the need to memorize them all. This reduces the risk of security breaches due to password reuse, phishing attacks, or password theft.